November 20, 2020

Medical Marijuana: 15+ Recipes for Potent Weed Edibles

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Making Weed Edibles at Home

Some patients only have access to cannabis flower. If this is the case, you may have to make your own weed edibles.

I microdose, or take small amounts of medical marijuana at regular intervals, frequently throughout the day.

Cannabis oil can taste bitter, which is why I’m constantly searching for new weed edibles recipes.

Below you’ll find 15+ killer recipes for potent weed edibles. The kief cookies are my all-time favorite weed edible recipe, and recipe #16 makes amazing pot brownies!!

Three Video How-tos of Canna-Oil & Canna-Butter 

Many of these recipes require cannabis oil or cannabutter.  Here’re three videos showing how I make mine.

If you only have a few grams of weed, here’s how to make a small batch of cannabis oil.

Things to consider before using weed edibles:

  1. Start small and go slow!  Eating marijuana can be significantly more intense than smoking.  And can take an hour to set in.
    (READ: How long does a high last?)
  2. Label your medication!  Avoid accidents.  Label. Label. Label.


15+ Recipes for Easy Weed Edibles


1. Kief Cookies

Here are 15 recipes for potent weed edibles that you can make easily at home. If cannabis-infused nuts and no-bake marijuana cookies sound intriguing, try these cannabis edibles recipes. These kief cookies are one of the fastest, easiest edibles I make. A friend recommended them to me, and I’m so glad she did.

2. Chocolate Canna-Cups

If you have cannabutter or cannaoil on hand, these Chocolate Canna-Cups come together really quickly and they make excellent no-bake edibles.

The Magical Butter Machine is the easiest way to make cannaoil and cannabutter.

3.  Cranberry, Chocolate Chip & Cannabis Cookies

Potent edibles - weed cookies - Here are 15 recipes for potent weed edibles that you can make easily at home. If cannabis-infused nuts and no-bake marijuana cookies sound intriguing, try these cannabis edibles recipes.

Cannabis is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps fight stress damage. These cannabis cookies are loaded with other antioxidant-packed ingredients resulting in a very potent weed edible.

Chocolate Peanut Budder Balls

Chocolate and peanut butter is one of my most favorite combinations. This recipe from Herb is another great no-bake edible recipe, but you do need a freezer for this one.


Need a new marijuana pipe? Check out these 20+ Unique Options.

4.  Cannabis Gummy Bears

These gummy bears are paleo friendly! This recipe from Wake & Bake is made with a cannabis tincture. I make my tinctures in my Magical Butter Machine.



5.  CannaBananas

Here are 15 recipes for potent weed edibles that you can make easily at home. If cannabis-infused nuts and no-bake marijuana cookies sound intriguing, try these cannabis edibles recipes.

These canna bananas are the fastest edible to make. This edible recipe only requires three ingredients. Sometimes I freeze mine. I use cannabis coconut oil to make these cannabis infused chocolate covered bananas. (I make my cannabis infused oil in my Magical Butter Machine).


READ about marijuana and cancer: 10 Research-Backed Ways Cannabis Fights Cancer

6.  Tricolor Cereal Bars – Weed Edibles

A little bit sweet, a little crunchy, and a whole lot infuse. These infused cereal bars from Herb are made with cannabutter.

 READ:  Stoner Gifts Cannabis Users Will Love (and they’re less than $20 each!)

stoner gifts and weed accessories on amazon for under $20 each

7.  No-Bake Cannabis Cookies

The Weed Scene offers us more peanut butter magic with these no-bake cookies.

peanut butter weed edibles recipe

8.  Marijuana Infused Hard Candy Recipe

The team at Magical Butter offers a variety of cannabis-infused recipes. Check out these infused hard candy edibles.


9.  Magical Marijuana Cookies

coconut cannabis cookies weed edibles recipe Good & Baked has an excellent edibles recipe for coconutty cannabis-infused cookies.


10. Cannabis Thumbprint Tea Cookies – Cannabis Cookie Recipe

Or if you want an edible that’s more dainty…something for high tea perhaps? Try these Thumbprint Cookies from Grasscity.


11.  Chocolate CannaCake is a single serving edible recipe

Label your medicated marijuana treats with these free labels.

It’s probably the edible I make most often. I love small batch edibles. I use two doses of cannabis oil in this Chocolate CannaCake and I eat it over two days.


12.  Cannabis-Infused Spiced Nuts

A little sweet and a little salty, these cannabis-infused spiced nuts are so delicious you might want to make a non-infused version as well.


 Read:  50 Stoner Gifts on Amazon


13.  No Bake Cannabis Infused Fudge – (Great Alternative to Pot Brownies)

Be careful, this cannabis infused fudge is tough to resist.



14.  Cannabis Carrot Cake

single dose edibles recipe

This single dose edibles recipe for Cannabis Carrot Cake is quick and easy to make.  It’s a single-serving edibles recipe so it only makes one small cannabis carrot cake or two cannabis carrot cake muffins.

15.  Cannabis Chocolate Covered Cherries

Here are 15 recipes for potent weed edibles that you can make easily at home. If cannabis-infused nuts and no-bake marijuana cookies sound intriguing, try these cannabis edibles recipes.

This weed edible recipe makes 24 cannabis-infused chocolate covered cherries.


16.  Pot Brownies – The Classic Weed Edibles Recipe

You’ll need to melt chocolate for this pot brownie recipe from Thrillist. It’s worth it!


Looking for Pot Brownie Recipes? Here are 20+ More


17. Cannabis Chocolate Truffles

Learn to make cannabis-infused truffles on Zamnesia.




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