Edible Dosage Calculator - Find Out How Potent Your Edibles Are
In this first section, you can calculate the potency of your infused oil, alcohol, or fat product that can later be used directly in your recipe using the second section of this calculator.
*Cannabinoids are lipophiles and they bind very easily with fats and oils such as butter, lecithin, vinegar, and even alcohol. Whatever you use for your infusion, make sure that the cannabinoids will be able to bind to it.
Find out more about making edibles here
Yes you can, just make sure to enter a zero before the decimal point such as 0.5 grams. This can be useful for when you are using concentrates in your infusion.
If you have made a purchase from a licensed dispensary, they should be required to label all of their products appropriately. Every state mandates different labeling regulations, so make sure you are aware of those. Otherwise, you’ll have to rely on strain guides and estimates for where your product falls which will not give you accurate results.
It really ranges from person to person and what you have eaten up to the point where you take your edibles. The general recommendation is to wait at least an hour to start to feel the effects so that you can best gauge your comfort level.
Yes! This is highly recommended.
Try some of our tasty infused recipes!
Data Last Updated 04/22/2020
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Last week we signed up
4,526 patients
for their medical cannabis cards
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