WBUD is an online wholesale dispensary of premium and organic bud in Canada. We have an extensive collection of regular and rare strains, BC bud, shatters, edibles, lotions, tinctures and concentrates. Our headquarters is located in British Columbia, which allows us to work closely with local growers to ensure that we provide the highest quality mail order cannabis for our customers.
We serve a vast range of clients, including brick-and-mortar dispensaries, avid recreational users and those looking to heal their mind and body through natural products. Our products come in varying price points, from low-cost but good marijuana for the budget conscious to exotic, potent smoking for your top-shelf items.
Buy Premium BC Bud Online at Your Convenience
We strive to be the go-to online dispensary in BC, Canada. You can buy online securely and pay via Interac E-Transfer. No medical card or ACMPR.MMPR needed. Once we receive your payment, we’ll process and ship your order right away. You’ll then receive your order in discreet packaging within two to five business days in the comfort and privacy of your dispensary or home.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Safeguard your order from being stolen by choosing the Canada Post XpressPost signature upon delivery option.
Great Product: Protect your Pot! Add some Integra Boost Humidity Control Packs to your order.
Free Stuff:
- 1/2 OZ FREE with every purchase over $1000*
- Free 1/8 with purchases over $110*
- Free Shipping over $185
Shop WBUD for the highest-quality mail order cannabis in Canada today.
*Limit of one free item per order, per 24-hour period – whichever is the highest value.