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Edible cannabis Products that are solid or liquid at a temperature of 22 ± 2°C and that are intended to be eaten or drunk the same way as foods such as chocolate, cookies, sodas, teas. Packaged inventory Cannabis held in stock by a cultivator, processor, distributor, or retailer that is packaged for sale to consumers at the retail level. Packaged production The number of cannabis products resulting from unpackaged cannabis being placed into final packaging for sale to consumers at the retail level during the reporting period. Sales (medical) Cannabis products sold directly to medical clients by holders of a federal licence for medical sales. Sales (non-medical) Cannabis products sold directly in the Canadian retail market, online or in-person, by a provincially or territorially authorized distributor or retailer, for non-medical purposes.
Edible cannabis data
Figure 1: Edible cannabis sales and packaged inventory
The data presented in this figure is available in Table 1.
Year-Month | Packaged production | Packaged inventory | Sales | ||
Federal licence holders | Provincial distributors and retailers | Medical | Non-Medical | ||
2019-10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2019-11 | 451,027 | 451,027 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2019-12 | 812,793 | 547,761 | 189,895 | 2.373 | 81,698 |
2020-01 | 780,229 | 806,059 | 254,024 | 2,861 | 359,230 |
2020-02 | 1,579,731 | 1,355,031 | 688,353 | 6,746 | 511,372 |
2020-03 | 2,191,867 | 1,879,271 | 1,547,073 | 9,142 | 767,957 |
2020-04 | 2,289,280 | 2,670,393 | 2,015,202 | 14,131 | 901,583 |
2020-05 | 2,764,441 | 3,872,253 | 2,463,071 | 20,241 | 982,161 |
2020-06 | 2,925,408 | 4,913,525 | 2,849,316 | 22,630 | 1,090,424 |
2020-07 | 2,195,564 | 5,236,890 | 3,194,733 | 22,159 | 1,310,970 |
2020-08 | 2,939,966 | 6,636,104 | 3,138,965 | 17,289 | 1,407,345 |
2020-09 | 2,892,530 | 6,777,618 | 3,933,843 | 28,844 | 1,501,640 |
2020-10 | 4,109,200 | 7,959,801 | 4,737,999 | 35,990 | 1,694,974 |
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Date modified: 2020-12-30