March 16, 2021

BLISS Edibles – 200 mg THC

BLISS Edibles – 200 mg THC | Peach Home Edibles Bliss BLISS Edibles – 200 mg THC | Peach

$18.00 $16.20

200mg THC Per Package 

10 Pieces per Package at 20mg THC per Piece

Escape from stress with a bite of peachy paradise. These THC gummies are bursting with all-natural peach flavour, and provide a well-balanced mood-boosting high meant to enhance any self-care routine.

1 in stock

Ingredients: Organic Cane Sugar, Glucose Syrup, Gelatin, Sorbitol, Citric Acid, Natural & Artificial Flavours, Tapioca Starch, Cannabis Extract Infused With Coconut Oil.

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