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About Our StoreEdible Arrangements® 1051 in Chesapeake, Virginia first opened in January 2011. Ever since, we’ve been helping people in our local community celebrate all kinds of occasions – big and small. Our fruit arrangements and gifts are always freshly-crafted using fruit that's grown and picked to our Fruit Expert® standards. And, we have the best variety of gourmet chocolate Dipped Fruit™, too! (Visit us any time for a FREE sample!) Did you know we also have fresh fruit treats you can enjoy on the go? Stop by today to grab a fresh fruit smoothie, Edible® Donut, chocolate Dipped Fruit™ Cone, or any one of our other delicious fresh fruit snacks! They’re perfect for picnics, lunch break snacks, and even as an afternoon pick-me-up! If you need a birthday gift, wedding favors, a holiday centerpiece, or even a little something just because, give us a call at 757-606-1930. We can’t wait to meet you! |
Areas Serviced
Chesapeake Portsmouth