July 5, 2021

Edibles Coffee Shop

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Frequently Asked Questions about Edibles Coffee Shop

Is Edibles Coffee Shop currently offering delivery or takeout?

Yes, Edibles Coffee Shop offers both delivery and takeout.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Edibles Coffee Shop accepts credit cards.

How is Edibles Coffee Shop rated?

Edibles Coffee Shop has 4 stars.

What days are Edibles Coffee Shop open?

Edibles Coffee Shop is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri.

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Please note that the starting rate is an average estimate. Every move is different and price will be based on your personalized needs.":"<0>Information above is provided by the business. Please note that the starting rate is an average estimate. Every move is different and price will be based on your personalized needs.","<0>We need to confirm it’s really you. We’ve sent an email with a login link to <1>%{emailAddress}. <2>Send another one?":"<0>We need to confirm it’s really you. We’ve sent an email with a login link to <1>%{emailAddress}. <2>Send another one?","<0>We will send your information to the business to help get you a response.":"<0>We will send your information to the business to help get you a response.","Add more friends> to see them here!":"Add more friends> to see them here!","This site is protected by hCaptcha - > See additional Privacy Policy> and Terms>":"This site is protected by hCaptcha - > See additional Privacy Policy> and Terms>","Claim this business> to view business statistics, receive messages from prospective customers, and respond to reviews.":"Claim this business> to view business statistics, receive messages from prospective customers, and respond to reviews.","This site is protected by reCAPTCHA -> See additional Privacy Policy> and Terms>":"This site is protected by reCAPTCHA -> See additional Privacy Policy> and Terms>","%{businessOwnerDisplayName} sent you thanks for this review.> %{businessOwnerRole} of %{businessName}":"%{businessOwnerDisplayName} sent you thanks for this review.> %{businessOwnerRole} of %{businessName}","%{businessOwnerDisplayName}> sent you thanks for this review":"%{businessOwnerDisplayName}> sent you thanks for this review","%{smart_count}> friend||||%{smart_count}> friends":"%{smart_count}> friend||||%{smart_count}> friends","%{smart_count}> photo||||%{smart_count}> photos":"%{smart_count}> photo||||%{smart_count}> photos","%{smart_count}> review||||%{smart_count}> reviews":"%{smart_count}> review||||%{smart_count}> reviews","Date of experience:> %{date_of_experience}":"Date of experience:> %{date_of_experience}","Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting delivery orders in %{smart_count}> minute||||Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting delivery orders in %{smart_count}> minutes":"Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting delivery orders in %{smart_count}> minute||||Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting delivery orders in %{smart_count}> minutes","Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting pickup orders in %{smart_count}> minute||||Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting pickup orders in %{smart_count}> minutes":"Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting pickup orders in %{smart_count}> minute||||Get your order in.> This restaurant will stop accepting pickup orders in %{smart_count}> minutes","Your trust is our top concern,> so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more.>":"Your trust is our top concern,> so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more.>","Your trust is our top concern,> so businesses can’t pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more about reviews.>":"Your trust is our top concern,> so businesses can’t pay to alter or remove their reviews. Learn more about reviews.>","

  1. At the top of your Chrome window, near the web address, click the gray lock icon>.>n
  2. In the window that pops up, make sure Location> is set to Ask (default)> or Allow>.>n
  3. You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

    n If you're still having trouble, check out Google's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

    1. At the top of your Chrome window, near the web address, click the gray lock icon>.>n
    2. In the window that pops up, make sure Location> is set to Ask (default)> or Allow>.>n
    3. You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

      n If you're still having trouble, check out Google's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >","

      1. At the top of your Firefox window, to the left of the web address, you should see a green lock>. Click it.>n
      2. In the window that pops up, you should see Blocked> or Blocked Temporarily> next to Access Your Location>. Click the x> next to this line.>n
      3. You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

        n If you're still having trouble, check out Firefox's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

        1. At the top of your Firefox window, to the left of the web address, you should see a green lock>. Click it.>n
        2. In the window that pops up, you should see Blocked> or Blocked Temporarily> next to Access Your Location>. Click the x> next to this line.>n
        3. You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

          n If you're still having trouble, check out Firefox's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >","

          1. At the top of your Opera window, near the web address, you should see a gray location pin>. Click it.>n
          2. In the window that pops up, click Clear This Setting>>n
          3. You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

            n If you're still having trouble, check out Opera's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

            1. At the top of your Opera window, near the web address, you should see a gray location pin>. Click it.>n
            2. In the window that pops up, click Clear This Setting>>n
            3. You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

              n If you're still having trouble, check out Opera's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >","

              1. At the top-right hand corner of the window, click the button with three dots on it>, then Settings>.>n
              2. Click Choose what to clear> underneath Clear browsing data>.>n
              3. Click Show more>, then make sure only the box labeled Location permissions> is checked.>n
              4. Click Clear>.>n
              5. You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

                n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

                1. At the top-right hand corner of the window, click the button with three dots on it>, then Settings>.>n
                2. Click Choose what to clear> underneath Clear browsing data>.>n
                3. Click Show more>, then make sure only the box labeled Location permissions> is checked.>n
                4. Click Clear>.>n
                5. You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

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                  1. Click Safari> in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen, then Preferences>.>n
                  2. Click the Websites> tab, then click Location> on the left-hand panel.>n
                  3. Next to yelp.com> in the right-hand panel, change the dropdown to Ask> or Allow>.>n
                  4. MacOS may now prompt you to enable Location Services. If it does, follow its instructions to enable Location Services for Safari.>n
                  5. Close the Settings dialog and refresh the page. Try using Current Location search again.>n >n

                    n If you're still having trouble, check out Safari's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

                    1. Click Safari> in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen, then Preferences>.>n
                    2. Click the Websites> tab, then click Location> on the left-hand panel.>n
                    3. Next to yelp.com> in the right-hand panel, change the dropdown to Ask> or Allow>.>n
                    4. MacOS may now prompt you to enable Location Services. If it does, follow its instructions to enable Location Services for Safari.>n
                    5. Close the Settings dialog and refresh the page. Try using Current Location search again.>n >n

                      n If you're still having trouble, check out Safari's support page>.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >","

                      1. Click the gear> in the upper-right hand corner of the window, then Internet options>.>n
                      2. Click the Privacy> tab in the new window that just appeared.>n
                      3. Uncheck the box labeled Never allow websites to request your physical location> if it's already checked.>n
                      4. Click the button labeled Clear Sites>.>n
                      5. You're good to go! Click OK>, then refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

                        n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

                        1. Click the gear> in the upper-right hand corner of the window, then Internet options>.>n
                        2. Click the Privacy> tab in the new window that just appeared.>n
                        3. Uncheck the box labeled Never allow websites to request your physical location> if it's already checked.>n
                        4. Click the button labeled Clear Sites>.>n
                        5. You're good to go! Click OK>, then refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.>n >n

                          n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >","

                          n Oops! We don't recognize the web browser you're currently using. Try checking the browser's help menu, or searching the Web for instructions to turn on HTML5 Geolocation for your browser.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >":"

                          n Oops! We don't recognize the web browser you're currently using. Try checking the browser's help menu, or searching the Web for instructions to turn on HTML5 Geolocation for your browser.n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.n >","

                          First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click Allow> or Grant Permissions> if your browser asks for your location. Also, try enabling Location Services for your browser>. If your browser still doesn't ask you, try these steps:>":"

                          First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click Allow> or Grant Permissions> if your browser asks for your location. Also, try enabling Location Services for your browser>. If your browser still doesn't ask you, try these steps:>","

                          First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click Allow> or Grant Permissions> if your browser asks for your location. If your browser doesn't ask you, try these steps:>":"

                          First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click Allow> or Grant Permissions> if your browser asks for your location. If your browser doesn't ask you, try these steps:>","

                          This business appears to be affiliated with a group of businesses that have engaged in efforts to manipulate their reputation on Yelp. As a result, we’ve decided not to recommend any of the reviews for this business.>

                          Some of the customers of this group have reported being pressured to write positive reviews in exchange for discounts, to re-post positive reviews for affiliated businesses in other states, and to accept refunds in exchange for removing critical reviews.>

                          Alerts like these are part of Yelp’s Consumer Protection Initiative, which is designed to empower and protect consumers.>":"

                          This business appears to be affiliated with a group of businesses that have engaged in efforts to manipulate their reputation on Yelp. As a result, we’ve decided not to recommend any of the reviews for this business.>

                          Some of the customers of this group have reported being pressured to write positive reviews in exchange for discounts, to re-post positive reviews for affiliated businesses in other states, and to accept refunds in exchange for removing critical reviews.>

                          Alerts like these are part of Yelp’s Consumer Protection Initiative, which is designed to empower and protect consumers.>","

                          This business recently participated in a film that makes false statements about Yelp and our reviewers.>

                          While some say this is the era of fake news, we still think facts matter. Businesses can certainly say what they wish, but you should learn the truth about this business’ interaction with Yelp.>":"

                          This business recently participated in a film that makes false statements about Yelp and our reviewers.>

                          While some say this is the era of fake news, we still think facts matter. Businesses can certainly say what they wish, but you should learn the truth about this business’ interaction with Yelp.>","%{smart_count}> recommended review||||%{smart_count}> recommended reviews":"%{smart_count}> recommended review||||%{smart_count}> recommended reviews","%{smart_count}> review||||%{smart_count}> reviews":"%{smart_count}> review||||%{smart_count}> reviews","%{businessOrOwnerName} says,> “%{recommendationText}”":"%{businessOrOwnerName} says,> “%{recommendationText}”","%{distance}> away from %{businessName}":"%{distance}> away from %{businessName}","%{distance}> away from this business":"%{distance}> away from this business","Go mobile > with the %{mobileAppLinkText} > for iOS and Android":"Go mobile > with the %{mobileAppLinkText} > for iOS and Android","A business owner paid for this ad. For more information visit Yelp for Business>.":"A business owner paid for this ad. For more information visit Yelp for Business>.","A link to the business owner’s business":"A link to the business owner’s business","A public Collection can be openly featured on Yelp and alerts followers when you make updates. A non-public Collection can still be visible to others if you share a link to it.":"A public Collection can be openly featured on Yelp and alerts followers when you make updates. A non-public Collection can still be visible to others if you share a link to it.","A-OK.":"A-OK.","About Me":"About Me","About This Agent":"About This Agent","About This Provider":"About This Provider","About the Business":"About the Business","Account Settings":"Account Settings","Ad":"Ad","Ad Choices":"Ad Choices","Add More":"Add More","Add Photo":"Add Photo","Add a free services offered section to your Yelp page to get better leads.":"Add a free services offered section to your Yelp page to get better leads.","Add a free services offered section to your Yelp page to get better leads. Edit and confirm your services.":"Add a free services offered section to your Yelp page to get better leads. Edit and confirm your services.","Add a note":"Add a note","Add a note (optional)":"Add a note (optional)","Add owner reply":"Add owner reply","Add photo":"Add photo","Add photo or video":"Add photo or video","Add service offerings":"Add service offerings","Add this review to your website by copying the code below.":"Add this review to your website by copying the code below.","Additional cost info":"Additional cost info","Ads":"Ads","Allow notifications":"Allow notifications","Almost done! Set the crop for your profile photo.":"Almost done! Set the crop for your profile photo.","Already on Yelp? <0>Log in":"Already on Yelp? <0>Log in","Amenities and More":"Amenities and More","Answer this question":"Answer this question","Appointment":"Appointment","Are you a human? Please complete the bot challenge below.":"Are you a human? 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For more information visit Yelp for Business>.":"Business owners paid for these ads. 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Methinks not.":"Eek! Methinks not.","Elite '%{year}":"Elite '%{year}","Elites":"Elites","Email":"Email","Email addresses":"Email addresses","Embed This Review":"Embed This Review","Embed review":"Embed review","Embedding Code":"Embedding Code","English":"English","Enter address again":"Enter address again","Enter delivery address":"Enter delivery address","Enter your address to find businesses that deliver to you":"Enter your address to find businesses that deliver to you","Enter your delivery address":"Enter your delivery address","Enter your gender":"Enter your gender","Enter your home address":"Enter your home address","Error":"Error","Established in %{yearEstablished}.":"Established in %{yearEstablished}.","Explore Delivery Restaurants":"Explore Delivery Restaurants","Explore delivery restaurants":"Explore delivery restaurants","Female":"Female","Filipino":"Filipino","Find":"Find","Find Delivery":"Find Delivery","Find Friends":"Find Friends","Find a Table":"Find a Table","Find a table":"Find a table","Find delivery":"Find delivery","Finding your location...":"Finding your location...","Finish My Review":"Finish My Review","Finnish":"Finnish","First Name":"First Name","Follow":"Follow","Follow %{displayName}":"Follow %{displayName}","Following":"Following","For Businesses":"For Businesses","For more information visit Yelp for Business Owners>.":"For more information visit Yelp for Business Owners>.","For more information visit Yelp for Business Owners.":"For more information visit Yelp for Business Owners.","Forgot Password":"Forgot Password","Forgot password?":"Forgot password?","French":"French","Frequently Asked Questions about %{businessName}":"Frequently Asked Questions about %{businessName}","Friends":"Friends","From This Business":"From This Business","From the business":"From the business","From the business owner":"From the business owner","Funny":"Funny","Gender":"Gender","German":"German","Get Directions":"Get Directions","Get a text if it becomes available?":"Get a text if it becomes available?","Get access to Yelp’s free tools":"Get access to Yelp’s free tools","Get competing offers":"Get competing offers","Get directions":"Get directions","Get matched with similar advertising businesses to compare competing offers.":"Get matched with similar advertising businesses to compare competing offers.","Get notifications about %{businessName}?":"Get notifications about %{businessName}?","Get offer":"Get offer","Get quote":"Get quote","Get waitlist updates and suggestions for other places we think you'll love.":"Get waitlist updates and suggestions for other places we think you'll love.","Get your order in":"Get your order in","Go to Yelp for Business":"Go to Yelp for Business","Good Writer":"Good Writer","Got a question about %{businessName}>? Ask the Yelp community!":"Got a question about %{businessName}>? Ask the Yelp community!","Got it":"Got it","Got it, thanks!":"Got it, thanks!","Great Lists":"Great Lists","Great Photos":"Great Photos","Have the business call you":"Have the business call you","Health Score":"Health Score","Help Improve Yelp":"Help Improve Yelp","Helpful":"Helpful","Here are some other posts from the same business.":"Here are some other posts from the same business.","Highest Rated":"Highest Rated","Highlights from the Business":"Highlights from the Business","History":"History","Home Address":"Home Address","Home address":"Home address","Hot Stuff":"Hot Stuff","How is %{businessName} rated?":"How is %{businessName} rated?","How would you like to be referred to?":"How would you like to be referred to?","I don’t work here":"I don’t work here","If you’re here to leave a review based on a first-hand experience with the business, please check back at a later date.":"If you’re here to leave a review based on a first-hand experience with the business, please check back at a later date.","Important information is missing from your page":"Important information is missing from your page","Include your information":"Include your information","Included in the starting rate":"Included in the starting rate","Inexpensive":"Inexpensive","Info":"Info","Is %{businessName} currently offering delivery or takeout?":"Is %{businessName} currently offering delivery or takeout?","Is this data helpful?":"Is this data helpful?","Is this your business?":"Is this your business?","Issued by":"Issued by","Italian":"Italian","Japanese":"Japanese","Join Now":"Join Now","Join now":"Join now","Join the Waitlist":"Join the Waitlist","Join the waitlist":"Join the waitlist","Join the waitlist here when there's a wait.":"Join the waitlist here when there's a wait.","Just a Note":"Just a Note","Keep Review":"Keep Review","Language":"Language","Languages":"Languages","Last Name":"Last Name","Last updated %{relativeTime}":"Last updated %{relativeTime}","Learn more":"Learn more","Learn more about Yelp ads":"Learn more about Yelp ads","Leave Waitlist":"Leave Waitlist","Leave waitlist":"Leave waitlist","Less Projects":"Less Projects","License #":"License #","License type":"License type","Licensee":"Licensee","Like Your Profile":"Like Your Profile","Limited time offer":"Limited time offer","Live":"Live","Live wait time:":"Live wait time:","Located in:":"Located in:","Location":"Location","Location & Hours":"Location & Hours","Log In":"Log In","Log Out":"Log Out","Log in":"Log in","Login with Facebook":"Login with Facebook","Login with Google":"Login with Google","Looks like you already have an account with this email. Log in below":"Looks like you already have an account with this email. Log in below","Low Health Score Alert: <0>%{formattedScore}":"Low Health Score Alert: <0>%{formattedScore}","Lowest Rated":"Lowest Rated","Make a Reservation":"Make a Reservation","Make reservation":"Make reservation","Malay":"Malay","Male":"Male","Map":"Map","Maternity Care Data":"Maternity Care Data","Maximum characters reached":"Maximum characters reached","Meet the %{businessOwnerRole}":"Meet the %{businessOwnerRole}","Meh. I've experienced better.":"Meh. I've experienced better.","Menu":"Menu","Message":"Message","Message business":"Message business","Message the Business":"Message the Business","Messages":"Messages","Min. 1 hour":"Min. 1 hour","Min. 2 hours":"Min. 2 hours","Min. 3 hours":"Min. 3 hours","Min. 4+ hours":"Min. 4+ hours","Minimum hours":"Minimum hours","Moderate":"Moderate","Modify":"Modify","More":"More","More Projects":"More Projects","More information about the action that led to this Consumer Alert is available here>.":"More information about the action that led to this Consumer Alert is available here>.","NEW":"NEW","Near":"Near","Need help?":"Need help?","Neutral":"Neutral","New":"New","New Collection":"New Collection","New product":"New product","New to Yelp? <0>Sign up":"New to Yelp? <0>Sign up","Newest First":"Newest First","Next":"Next","Next Project":"Next Project","No":"No","No answers yet.":"No answers yet.","No matching friends found":"No matching friends found","No min. hours":"No min. hours","No minimum":"No minimum","No one is on the list. When it gets busy, join the waitlist here or on the Yelp app.":"No one is on the list. When it gets busy, join the waitlist here or on the Yelp app.","No online availability within %{slotsSearchRange} hour of %{formattedTime}.||||No online availability within %{slotsSearchRange} hours of %{formattedTime}.":"No online availability within %{slotsSearchRange} hour of %{formattedTime}.||||No online availability within %{slotsSearchRange} hours of %{formattedTime}.","No thanks":"No thanks","No, continue to website":"No, continue to website","Non-Public":"Non-Public","None of these look right? Enter your address again.":"None of these look right? Enter your address again.","Normally":"Normally","Norwegian":"Norwegian","Not Helpful":"Not Helpful","Notifications":"Notifications","Notify Me":"Notify Me","OK":"OK","OR":"OR","Okay":"Okay","Oldest First":"Oldest First","Only visible to you":"Only visible to you","Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again.":"Oops! Something went wrong. 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Please try again.":"Oops, something went wrong. Please try again.","Oops, the photo “%{fileName}” is too large to upload. The file size must be under %{fileSizeFormattedBytes}.":"Oops, the photo “%{fileName}” is too large to upload. The file size must be under %{fileSizeFormattedBytes}.","Oops, there was a problem flagging this content. Please try again later.":"Oops, there was a problem flagging this content. Please try again later.","Oops, this photo failed to upload.":"Oops, this photo failed to upload.","Oops, we can't find your location":"Oops, we can't find your location","Open":"Open","Open now":"Open now","Open today.":"Open today.","Open, special hours":"Open, special hours","Optional":"Optional","Order Delivery":"Order Delivery","Order delivery":"Order delivery","Order now":"Order now","Order takeout":"Order takeout","Other Options":"Other Options","Owner":"Owner","Page %{current_page} of %{total_pages}":"Page %{current_page} of %{total_pages}","Page: %{page}":"Page: %{page}","Pagination navigation":"Pagination navigation","Party of %{confirmedPartySize}":"Party of %{confirmedPartySize}","Password":"Password","Password must be at least %{smart_count} character in length||||Password must be at least %{smart_count} characters in length":"Password must be at least %{smart_count} character in length||||Password must be at least %{smart_count} characters in length","Password strength: fair":"Password strength: fair","Password strength: good":"Password strength: good","Password strength: great":"Password strength: great","Password strength: weak":"Password strength: weak","People Also Viewed":"People Also Viewed","Personalize your account details below":"Personalize your account details below","Phone Number":"Phone Number","Phone number":"Phone number","Photo added on %{date}":"Photo added on %{date}","Photo by %{displayName}>":"Photo by %{displayName}>","Photo by %{userDisplayName}>":"Photo by %{userDisplayName}>","Photo by %{displayName}>>":"Photo by %{displayName}>>","Photo from %{contributor}":"Photo from %{contributor}","Photo of %{businessName}":"Photo of %{businessName}","Photo of %{businessName} - %{location}.":"Photo of %{businessName} - %{location}.","Photo of %{businessName} - %{location}. %{caption}":"Photo of %{businessName} - %{location}. %{caption}","Photo of %{user}":"Photo of %{user}","Photos":"Photos","Photos & videos":"Photos & videos","Photos (%{photoCount})":"Photos (%{photoCount})","Photos for %{businessName}":"Photos for %{businessName}","Photos for %{business}":"Photos for %{business}","Please arrive by %{arriveBy}":"Please arrive by %{arriveBy}","Please confirm your account to post your review":"Please confirm your account to post your review","Please enter a valid phone number":"Please enter a valid phone number","Please enter an address to start your order.":"Please enter an address to start your order.","Please enter at least one service offering. If you are unsure, select “Other”.":"Please enter at least one service offering. If you are unsure, select “Other”.","Please enter your email address and we will send you an email about how to reset your password.":"Please enter your email address and we will send you an email about how to reset your password.","Please provide specific details below:":"Please provide specific details below:","Please refer to our ":"Please refer to our ","Please refer to our Content Guidelines> and Terms of Service> and let us know why you think the content you’ve reported may violate these guidelines.":"Please refer to our Content Guidelines> and Terms of Service> and let us know why you think the content you’ve reported may violate these guidelines.","Please select at least one reason.":"Please select at least one reason.","Please verify your delivery address.":"Please verify your delivery address.","Please, close the window and try again":"Please, close the window and try again","Polish":"Polish","Portfolio from the Business":"Portfolio from the Business","Portuguese":"Portuguese","Post a response":"Post a response","Posted on %{formattedTimestamp}":"Posted on %{formattedTimestamp}","Posting Temporarily Blocked":"Posting Temporarily Blocked","Powered by":"Powered by","Powered by %{providerName}":"Powered by %{providerName}","Powered by %{provider}":"Powered by %{provider}","Powered by Google":"Powered by Google","Preferred call time (Optional)":"Preferred call time (Optional)","Preview":"Preview","Previous":"Previous","Previous Project":"Previous Project","Previous order (optional)":"Previous order (optional)","Previous review":"Previous review","Pricey":"Pricey","Pricing details":"Pricing details","Privacy Policy":"Privacy Policy","Private":"Private","Project Duration":"Project Duration","Project failed to load.":"Project failed to load.","Promotion":"Promotion","Public":"Public","Rate is for a local move. Price is provided by the business and may vary depending on your needs.":"Rate is for a local move. Price is provided by the business and may vary depending on your needs.","Rating":"Rating","Read Less":"Read Less","Read More":"Read More","Read less":"Read less","Read more":"Read more","Recommended Reviews":"Recommended Reviews","Recommended reviews in %{language}":"Recommended reviews in %{language}","Remind Me to Join Later":"Remind Me to Join Later","Remind me to join later":"Remind me to join later","Reminder set!":"Reminder set!","Remove":"Remove","Remove Review":"Remove Review","Remove draft":"Remove draft","Remove review":"Remove review","Report":"Report","Report Comment":"Report Comment","Report Photo":"Report Photo","Report Review":"Report Review","Report Video":"Report Video","Report comment":"Report comment","Report photo":"Report photo","Report post":"Report post","Report response":"Report response","Report review":"Report review","Report this post":"Report this post","Report video":"Report video","Request a Call":"Request a Call","Request a quote":"Request a quote","Request appointment":"Request appointment","Request consultation":"Request consultation","Request information":"Request information","Required":"Required","Reset Password":"Reset Password","Respond as business":"Respond as business","Response Rate":"Response Rate","Response Time":"Response Time","Response rate":"Response rate","Response time":"Response time","Return to business":"Return to business","Review Highlights":"Review Highlights","Reviews":"Reviews","Reviews (%{reviewsCount})":"Reviews (%{reviewsCount})","Reviews translated from %{language}":"Reviews translated from %{language}","Sale":"Sale","Save":"Save","Save & continue":"Save & continue","Save time on research and compare quotes":"Save time on research and compare quotes","Save to Collection":"Save to Collection","Save to a New Collection":"Save to a New Collection","Saved":"Saved","Saving...":"Saving...","Say thanks":"Say thanks","Schedule now":"Schedule now","Scheduled appointment":"Scheduled appointment","Search":"Search","Search within reviews":"Search within reviews","See %{smart_count} More":"See %{smart_count} More","See %{smart_count} photo||||See %{smart_count} photos":"See %{smart_count} photo||||See %{smart_count} photos","See %{smart_count} question||||See all %{smart_count} questions":"See %{smart_count} question||||See all %{smart_count} questions","See All Photos":"See All Photos","See Details":"See Details","See all %{mediaCount} photos":"See all %{mediaCount} photos","See all hours":"See all hours","See all photos":"See all photos","See all photos from %{userName} for %{businessName}":"See all photos from %{userName} for %{businessName}","See license information":"See license information","See more availability":"See more availability","See portfolio":"See portfolio","See pricing details":"See pricing details","Select Country Code":"Select Country Code","Select a Previous Order (Optional)":"Select a Previous Order (Optional)","Select a date":"Select a date","Select a photo to upload||||Select photos to upload":"Select a photo to upload||||Select photos to upload","Select an option...":"Select an option...","Select your rating":"Select your rating","Send":"Send","Send a Message":"Send a Message","Send message":"Send message","Send to your Phone":"Send to your Phone","Sent!":"Sent!","Service or issue":"Service or issue","Services":"Services","Services Offered":"Services Offered","Serving %{city} Area":"Serving %{city} Area","Share":"Share","Share *":"Share *","Share Your Experience":"Share Your Experience","Share a few details so we can get you in touch with the business":"Share a few details so we can get you in touch with the business","Share ad feedback":"Share ad feedback","Share business":"Share business","Share on Facebook":"Share on Facebook","Share on Twitter":"Share on Twitter","Share photo":"Share photo","Share review":"Share review","Share the best time and day to call and any other details you’d like to add":"Share the best time and day to call and any other details you’d like to add","Share video":"Share video","Show Less":"Show Less","Show More Availability":"Show More Availability","Show Original":"Show Original","Show fewer review highlights":"Show fewer review highlights","Show less":"Show less","Show more":"Show more","Show more review highlights":"Show more review highlights","Sign Up":"Sign Up","Sign up":"Sign up","Sign up for Yelp":"Sign up for Yelp","Skip":"Skip","Skip the back and forth and talk when it's convenient":"Skip the back and forth and talk when it's convenient","Slideshow":"Slideshow","Some Data By Acxiom":"Some Data By Acxiom","Some business data by Yellow.com.tr>":"Some business data by Yellow.com.tr>","Something broke and we're not sure what. Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.":"Something broke and we're not sure what. Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.","Something went wrong, our bad":"Something went wrong, our bad","Something went wrong. Please try again later.":"Something went wrong. Please try again later.","Sorry, but we don’t take sides in factual disputes. If a review appears to reflect a user’s personal experience and opinions, it is our policy to let the user stand behind their review.":"Sorry, but we don’t take sides in factual disputes. If a review appears to reflect a user’s personal experience and opinions, it is our policy to let the user stand behind their review.","Sorry, that photo is too large to upload.":"Sorry, that photo is too large to upload.","Sorry, we couldn’t recognize your address.":"Sorry, we couldn’t recognize your address.","Sort by":"Sort by","Spanish":"Spanish","Special hours":"Special hours","Special hours today.":"Special hours today.","Special hours today:":"Special hours today:","Special offer":"Special offer","Specialties":"Specialties","Sponsored":"Sponsored","Start Order":"Start Order","Started on %{date}":"Started on %{date}","Starting rate":"Starting rate","Stop following %{displayName}":"Stop following %{displayName}","Submit":"Submit","Submit request":"Submit request","Submitting...":"Submitting...","Success":"Success","Successfully removed":"Successfully removed","Support":"Support","Suspicious Review Activity":"Suspicious Review Activity","Swedish":"Swedish","Takeouts available for %{smart_count} minute||||Takeouts available for %{smart_count} minutes":"Takeouts available for %{smart_count} minute||||Takeouts available for %{smart_count} minutes","Talk":"Talk","Tell ProPublica":"Tell ProPublica","Tell the business what you need":"Tell the business what you need","Temporarily closed":"Temporarily closed","Terms of Service":"Terms of Service","Text me a link for the Yelp app":"Text me a link for the Yelp app","Thank You":"Thank You","Thank you":"Thank you","Thank you for your feedback!":"Thank you for your feedback!","Thanked":"Thanked","Thanks for your feedback!":"Thanks for your feedback!","Thanks! We'll take a look to see if we agree that this is outside of our guidelines. This process may take several days and our Support team will contact you if we need more information.":"Thanks! We'll take a look to see if we agree that this is outside of our guidelines. This process may take several days and our Support team will contact you if we need more information.","The email address or password you entered is incorrect. <0>Click here to have a password reset email sent to <1>%{emailAddress}.":"The email address or password you entered is incorrect. <0>Click here to have a password reset email sent to <1>%{emailAddress}.","The email address you entered has already been registered.":"The email address you entered has already been registered.","The password you entered is blocked and may have been involved in a breach from another website. <0>Click here to have a password reset email sent to <1>%{emailAddress}.":"The password you entered is blocked and may have been involved in a breach from another website. <0>Click here to have a password reset email sent to <1>%{emailAddress}.","The restaurant is not taking waitlist parties right now.":"The restaurant is not taking waitlist parties right now.","The restaurant only takes walk-ins during this time.":"The restaurant only takes walk-ins during this time.","There are more restaurants on Yelp that deliver to your address":"There are more restaurants on Yelp that deliver to your address","There are no reviews in %{language} yet!":"There are no reviews in %{language} yet!","There was a problem retrieving your Facebook profile photo.":"There was a problem retrieving your Facebook profile photo.","There was a problem retrieving your Facebook profile. Please try again.":"There was a problem retrieving your Facebook profile. Please try again.","There was a problem retrieving your Google profile. Please try again.":"There was a problem retrieving your Google profile. Please try again.","There’s always more than one side to a story, and business owners can address misunderstandings via their Business Account by posting a public comment or sending a direct message to the reviewer.":"There’s always more than one side to a story, and business owners can address misunderstandings via their Business Account by posting a public comment or sending a direct message to the reviewer.","These Highlights are provided by and paid for by the business. For more information visit Yelp for Business Owners>.":"These Highlights are provided by and paid for by the business. For more information visit Yelp for Business Owners>.","These Projects are paid for and provided by the business. Yelp has not verified these Projects.":"These Projects are paid for and provided by the business. Yelp has not verified these Projects.","These additional businesses will not be able to directly see your phone number.":"These additional businesses will not be able to directly see your phone number.","These businesses bought these ads to meet new customers on Yelp. For more information visit Yelp for Business>.":"These businesses bought these ads to meet new customers on Yelp. For more information visit Yelp for Business>.","This business has been claimed by the owner or a representative. ":"This business has been claimed by the owner or a representative. ","This business has been in the news in connection with a recent tragedy, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on Yelp Support>.":"This business has been in the news in connection with a recent tragedy, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on Yelp Support>.","This business has not yet been claimed by the owner or a representative.":"This business has not yet been claimed by the owner or a representative.","This business is closed on %{date}, %{holidayName}.":"This business is closed on %{date}, %{holidayName}.","This business is eligible to be claimed by a local representative in addition to corporate.":"This business is eligible to be claimed by a local representative in addition to corporate.","This business is open %{hours} on %{date}, %{holidayName}.":"This business is open %{hours} on %{date}, %{holidayName}.","This business is open as usual on %{date}, %{holidayName}.":"This business is open as usual on %{date}, %{holidayName}.","This business may have tried to abuse the legal system in an effort to stifle free speech, for example through legal threats or contractual gag clauses. As a reminder, reviewers who share their experiences have a First Amendment right to express their opinions on Yelp.":"This business may have tried to abuse the legal system in an effort to stifle free speech, for example through legal threats or contractual gag clauses. As a reminder, reviewers who share their experiences have a First Amendment right to express their opinions on Yelp.","This business recently made waves in the news, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on Yelp Support>.":"This business recently made waves in the news, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on Yelp Support>.","This business recently received increased public attention in the news, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on <0>Yelp Support.":"This business recently received increased public attention in the news, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than a first-hand consumer experience. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the ability to post content about this business. Read more on <0>Yelp Support.","This facility may have received a health score that is lower than others in its area.":"This facility may have received a health score that is lower than others in its area.","This field is required.":"This field is required.","To":"To","To join Yelp, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you’ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.":"To join Yelp, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you’ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.","To log in to Yelp with Facebook, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you’ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.":"To log in to Yelp with Facebook, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you’ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.","To log in to Yelp with Google, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you’ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.":"To log in to Yelp with Google, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you’ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.","To:":"To:","Today is a holiday!":"Today is a holiday!","Toggle Menu":"Toggle Menu","Translate %{fromLanguage} to %{toLanguage}":"Translate %{fromLanguage} to %{toLanguage}","Turkish":"Turkish","Ultra High-End":"Ultra High-End","Unclaimed":"Unclaimed","Undo":"Undo","Unusual Activity Alert":"Unusual Activity Alert","Upcoming Reservations":"Upcoming Reservations","Upcoming Special Hours":"Upcoming Special Hours","Update Reminder":"Update Reminder","Updated review":"Updated review","Updates From This Business":"Updates From This Business","Upload":"Upload","Upload Photo":"Upload Photo","Uploaded %{numOfPhotosUploadedSucceed} out of %{totalPhotos}":"Uploaded %{numOfPhotosUploadedSucceed} out of %{totalPhotos}","Uploading %{numOfPhotosTriedUploadPlusOne} of %{totalPhotos}...":"Uploading %{numOfPhotosTriedUploadPlusOne} of %{totalPhotos}...","Use Facebook Photo":"Use Facebook Photo","Use this address":"Use this address","Useful":"Useful","Username":"Username","Verified License":"Verified License","Verified by Business":"Verified by Business","Verified by Yelp on":"Verified by Yelp on","View %{smart_count} more answer||||View %{smart_count} more answers":"View %{smart_count} more answer||||View %{smart_count} more answers","View Menu":"View Menu","View Menu on Website":"View Menu on Website","View More":"View More","View Service Area":"View Service Area","View Website":"View Website","View attachment":"View attachment","View hours":"View hours","View menu":"View menu","View more photos":"View more photos","View phone number":"View phone number","View photos":"View photos","View question details":"View question details","View reservation history":"View reservation history","Visit Website":"Visit Website","Visit Yelp for Business Owners":"Visit Yelp for Business Owners","Visit website":"Visit website","Waitlist Closed":"Waitlist Closed","Waitlist closed":"Waitlist closed","Waitlist temporarily closed":"Waitlist temporarily closed","Want to stay updated about %{businessName}?":"Want to stay updated about %{businessName}?","Want to stay updated?":"Want to stay updated?","Warning":"Warning","Warning: Users Report Deceptive Behavior":"Warning: Users Report Deceptive Behavior","Watch video":"Watch video","We couldn't find an accurate position. If you're using a laptop or tablet, try moving it somewhere else and give it another go. Or, search near a city, place, or address instead.":"We couldn't find an accurate position. If you're using a laptop or tablet, try moving it somewhere else and give it another go. Or, search near a city, place, or address instead.","We couldn't find you quickly enough! Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.":"We couldn't find you quickly enough! Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.","We generally don’t take sides in factual disputes and allow Yelpers to stand behind their reviews, but please include information in the box below which might allow us to independently verify your claims.":"We generally don’t take sides in factual disputes and allow Yelpers to stand behind their reviews, but please include information in the box below which might allow us to independently verify your claims.","We have noticed suspicious review activity for this business. This sort of activity can take many forms, including when a number of positive reviews originate from the same IP address or when we've identified reviews resulting from a possible deceptive review ring>. Our automated recommendation software> has taken this suspicious activity into account in choosing which reviews to display, but we wanted to call this to your attention because someone may be trying to artificially inflate the rating for this business.":"We have noticed suspicious review activity for this business. This sort of activity can take many forms, including when a number of positive reviews originate from the same IP address or when we've identified reviews resulting from a possible deceptive review ring>. Our automated recommendation software> has taken this suspicious activity into account in choosing which reviews to display, but we wanted to call this to your attention because someone may be trying to artificially inflate the rating for this business.","We need your address to show you restaurants that deliver.":"We need your address to show you restaurants that deliver.","We really appreciate your help in making Yelp a better place.":"We really appreciate your help in making Yelp a better place.","We'll remind you when to join based on live wait times.":"We'll remind you when to join based on live wait times.","We'll text you to join waitlist at %{bizName} at the right time based on live wait times.":"We'll text you to join waitlist at %{bizName} at the right time based on live wait times.","We've sent your request":"We've sent your request","Webinars":"Webinars","Website menu":"Website menu","Welcome back!":"Welcome back!","Welcome to Yelp!":"Welcome to Yelp!","Welcome to Yelp, %{0}!":"Welcome to Yelp, %{0}!","Welcome to Yelp, %{firstName}!":"Welcome to Yelp, %{firstName}!","We’ve sent a login link to <0>%{emailAddress}.":"We’ve sent a login link to <0>%{emailAddress}.","What days are %{businessName} open?":"What days are %{businessName} open?","What do you need help with?":"What do you need help with?","What forms of payment are accepted?":"What forms of payment are accepted?","When would you like to eat at %{bizName}?":"When would you like to eat at %{bizName}?","Whoa there, your Compliment is missing a message. Personalize it with some text.":"Whoa there, your Compliment is missing a message. Personalize it with some text.","Why do you want to remove this review?":"Why do you want to remove this review?","Why do you want to report this content?":"Why do you want to report this content?","Why do you want to report this photo?":"Why do you want to report this photo?","Why do you want to report this review?":"Why do you want to report this review?","Woohoo! As good as it gets!":"Woohoo! As good as it gets!","Write More":"Write More","Write a Review":"Write a Review","Write an update":"Write an update","Yay! I'm a fan.":"Yay! I'm a fan.","Yelp":"Yelp","Yelp Guaranteed":"Yelp Guaranteed","Yelp Header":"Yelp Header","Yelp Sort":"Yelp Sort","Yelp confirmed a business or employee license.":"Yelp confirmed a business or employee license.","Yelp for Business app":"Yelp for Business app","Yelp has confirmed the above license or certificate for at least 1 person associated with this business, as of the verification date above. Yelp cannot verify if a license covers your specific needs or that everyone at this business has a required license. Businesses pay Yelp for license verification services.":"Yelp has confirmed the above license or certificate for at least 1 person associated with this business, as of the verification date above. Yelp cannot verify if a license covers your specific needs or that everyone at this business has a required license. Businesses pay Yelp for license verification services.","Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about %{businessName}>.":"Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about %{businessName}>.","Yelp,recommendation,San Francisco, bay area, local,business,review,friend,restaurant,dentist,doctor,salon,spa,shopping,store,share,community,massage,sushi,pizza,nails,New York,Los Angeles":"Yelp,recommendation,San Francisco, bay area, local,business,review,friend,restaurant,dentist,doctor,salon,spa,shopping,store,share,community,massage,sushi,pizza,nails,New York,Los Angeles","Yelper names or email addresses":"Yelper names or email addresses","Yes":"Yes","Yes, %{businessName} has outdoor seating.":"Yes, %{businessName} has outdoor seating.","Yes, %{businessName} offers %{deliveryOrTakeoutToDisplay}.":"Yes, %{businessName} offers %{deliveryOrTakeoutToDisplay}.","Yes, %{businessName} offers both delivery and takeout.":"Yes, %{businessName} offers both delivery and takeout.","Yes, I want Yelp to send me marketing emails about Yelp’s products, services, and local events. I can unsubscribe at any time.":"Yes, I want Yelp to send me marketing emails about Yelp’s products, services, and local events. I can unsubscribe at any time.","Yes, allow notifications":"Yes, allow notifications","Yes, remove review":"Yes, remove review","Yes, you can make a reservation by picking a date, time, and party size.":"Yes, you can make a reservation by picking a date, time, and party size.","You will receive a message at <0>%{emailAddress} if you’ve registered your account with that email address. Please check for an email from Yelp and click on the included link to reset your password.":"You will receive a message at <0>%{emailAddress} if you’ve registered your account with that email address. Please check for an email from Yelp and click on the included link to reset your password.","You'll get notifications about places we think you'll love.":"You'll get notifications about places we think you'll love.","You'll get notifications about this business and other places we think you'll love.":"You'll get notifications about this business and other places we think you'll love.","You'll receive texts reminding you when to join the waitlist. By continuing, you agree to Yelp's <0>Terms of Service and <1>Privacy Policy.":"You'll receive texts reminding you when to join the waitlist. By continuing, you agree to Yelp's <0>Terms of Service and <1>Privacy Policy.","You're on the waitlist":"You're on the waitlist","You're on your way to hiring the right pro. %{businessName} and similar businesses should be in touch soon.":"You're on your way to hiring the right pro. %{businessName} and similar businesses should be in touch soon.","You're on your way to hiring the right pro. %{businessName} should be in touch soon.":"You're on your way to hiring the right pro. %{businessName} should be in touch soon.","Your Conversation":"Your Conversation","Your Email":"Your Email","Your Facebook account doesn’t have a profile photo.":"Your Facebook account doesn’t have a profile photo.","Your Name":"Your Name","Your answers help people make good choices when they’re thinking about places to go and things to do.":"Your answers help people make good choices when they’re thinking about places to go and things to do.","Your caption is a bit on the short side. Try adding a few more details.":"Your caption is a bit on the short side. Try adding a few more details.","Your highlight":"Your highlight","Your message has been sent.":"Your message has been sent.","You’ll get notifications about them and others we think you’ll love.":"You’ll get notifications about them and others we think you’ll love.","You’re Cool":"You’re Cool","You’re Funny":"You’re Funny","You’re almost done!":"You’re almost done!","You’re covered by Yelp Guaranteed with this business":"You’re covered by Yelp Guaranteed with this business","ZIP Code":"ZIP Code","address, neighborhood, city, state or zip":"address, neighborhood, city, state or zip","by %{userName}> on %{date}":"by %{userName}> on %{date}","d":"d","e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0>he writes the best reviews":"e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0>he writes the best reviews","e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0>she writes the best reviews":"e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0>she writes the best reviews","e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0>they write the best reviews":"e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0>they write the best reviews","eeep! something went wrong.":"eeep! something went wrong.","from %{bizName}> on %{date}":"from ]]>]]> ')}; if (main === null) { throw 'invalid inline script, missing main declaration.'; } main(); })(); ]]>
