August 11, 2021


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Order our Edibles® online and pick them up in store! Choose from an amazing selection of fresh fruit salads, chocolate dipped fruit cones, smoothies and even froyo. Go ahead, treat yourself.

  • Cocoa Berry Burst Smoothie
    Cocoa Berry Burst Smoothie

    One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Kiwi Kindness Smoothie One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Mango Meditation Smoothie
    Mango Meditation Smoothie

    One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Cocoa Bananarama Smoothie
    Cocoa Bananarama Smoothie

    One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Pineapple Party Smoothie One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Kale Komfort Smoothie One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Bouquet Bliss Smoothie One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Pineapple, Honeydew, & Kale Smoothie
    Pineapple, Honeydew & Kale Smoothie

    One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Pineapple & Orange Smoothie
    Pineapple & Orange Smoothie

    One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Strawberry, Pineapple, & Banana Smoothie
    Strawberry, Pineapple & Banana Smoothie

    One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Special! Chocolate Dipped Strawberries, Apples & Bananas - 6 Count Box

    As Seen on TV

    The Fruit Fix Box

    One size $9.99

    In-store pickup only

  • 6 Count Cookie Box

    Featured On TV

    Fresh Baked Cookies, 12-ct.

    Six sizes starting at $12.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Mario Kart Treat Box

    In-store pickup only

    Mario Kart™ Treat Box

    One size $9.99

    Score 100 My Nintendo Platinum Points With Purchase!

  • Maddy & Maize Popcorn
    Maddy & Maize™ Gourmet Popcorn

    Five sizes starting at $6.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Swizzle® Mixed Fruit Cookies Box
    Swizzle® Mixed Fruit Cookies Box

    One size $34.99

  • Cheesecake with Chocolate Dipped Fruit Box
    Cheesecake with Chocolate Dipped Fruit Box

    One size $44.99

  • Simply Edible Bouquet Three sizes starting at $29.99
  • Maddy & Maize™ Gourmet Popcorn
    A-maize-ing Popcorn Variety Pack

    One size $34.99

  • Strawberry, Pineapple, & Banana Treat Box
    Strawberry, Apple, & Banana Treat Box

    One size $9.00

    In-store pickup only

  • Fresh Chocolate Caramel Covered Apple
    Fresh Chocolate Caramel Covered Apple

    One size $6.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Assorted Cheesecake Box One size $39.99
  • Fresh Fruit Salad One size $5.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Funfetti Strawberry Treat Box Two sizes starting at $79.99
  • Rainbow and Butterflies Goody Bags
    Rainbow and Butterflies Goody Bag

    Two sizes starting at $54.99

  • Solo Fruit-Topped Cheesecake
    Solo Fruit-Topped Cheesecake

    Five sizes starting at $4.99

    In-store pickup only

  • Back to School Bundle 4 Three sizes starting at $26.97

    In-store pickup only

  • Bakeshop Brownie One size $4.99

    In-store pickup only

Enter your email address and we'll let you know when edibles® Hemp CBD are available in your area.

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