How many 15 mg of THC edibles does it take to get really high? - Quora=0;--i){var u=this.tryEntries[i],a=u.completion;if("root"===u.tryLoc)return r("end");if(u.tryLoc<=this.prev){var c=o.call(u,"catchLoc"),s=o.call(u,"finallyLoc");if(c&&s){if(this.prev=0;--n){var r=this.tryEntries[n];if(r.tryLoc<=this.prev&&o.call(r,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var n=this.tryEntries[e];if(n.tryLoc===t){var r=n.completion;if("throw"===r.type){var o=r.arg;T(n)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:F(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=n),v}}}function b(t,e,n,r){var o=e&&e.prototype instanceof x?e:x,i=Object.create(o.prototype),u=new S(r||[]);return i._invoke=function(t,e,n){var r=l;return function(o,i){if(r===d)throw new Error("Generator is already running");if(r===p){if("throw"===o)throw i;return C()}for(n.method=o,n.arg=i;;){var u=n.delegate;if(u){var a=L(u,n);if(a){if(a===v)continue;return a}}if("next"===n.method)n.sent=n._sent=n.arg;else if("throw"===n.method){if(r===l)throw r=p,n.arg;n.dispatchException(n.arg)}else"return"===n.method&&n.abrupt("return",n.arg);r=d;var c=_(t,e,n);if("normal"===c.type){if(r=n.done?p:h,c.arg===v)continue;return{value:c.arg,done:n.done}}"throw"===c.type&&(r=p,n.method="throw",n.arg=c.arg)}}}(t,n,u),i}function _(t,e,n){try{return{type:"normal",arg:t.call(e,n)}}catch(r){return{type:"throw",arg:r}}}function x(){}function P(){}function j(){}function O(t){["next","throw","return"].forEach(function(e){t[e]=function(t){return this._invoke(e,t)}})}function E(t){var e;this._invoke=function(n,r){function i(){return new Promise(function(e,i){!function u(e,n,r,i){var a=_(t[e],t,n);if("throw"!==a.type){var c=a.arg,s=c.value;return s&&"object"===typeof s&&o.call(s,"__await")?Promise.resolve(s.__await).then(function(t){u("next",t,r,i)},function(t){u("throw",t,r,i)}):Promise.resolve(s).then(function(t){c.value=t,r(c)},function(t){return u("throw",t,r,i)})}i(a.arg)}(n,r,e,i)})}return e=e?e.then(i,i):i()}}function L(t,e){var r=t.iterator[e.method];if(r===n){if(e.delegate=null,"throw"===e.method){if(t.iterator["return"]&&(e.method="return",e.arg=n,L(t,e),"throw"===e.method))return v;e.method="throw",e.arg=new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method")}return v}var o=_(r,t.iterator,e.arg);if("throw"===o.type)return e.method="throw",e.arg=o.arg,e.delegate=null,v;var i=o.arg;return i?i.done?(e[t.resultName]=i.value,e.next=t.nextLoc,"return"!==e.method&&(e.method="next",e.arg=n),e.delegate=null,v):i:(e.method="throw",e.arg=new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"),e.delegate=null,v)}function A(t){var e={tryLoc:t[0]};1 in t&&(e.catchLoc=t[1]),2 in t&&(e.finallyLoc=t[2],e.afterLoc=t[3]),this.tryEntries.push(e)}function T(t){var e=t.completion||{};e.type="normal",delete e.arg,t.completion=e}function S(t){this.tryEntries=[{tryLoc:"root"}],t.forEach(A,this),this.reset(!0)}function F(t){if(t){var 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Getting Baked With Edibles: Weed Cookies and Brownies

Countless people have had their first experience with cannabis in the form of a magical brownie or cookie. Some people prefer it to the puff, quoting the gradual elevation as something they particularly enjoy. Others say edibles aren’t for them. Maybe they like the more instantaneous effects of a joint, bowl, or blunt. How you consume is up to you.

However, if you’ve never put lighter to leaf, an edible could be a better first experience with THC for you, too. You don’t need to inhale smoke, and you get all the same effects. Consuming edibles can be a bit tricky, though, if the goods are homemade. Dosages can be hard to gauge, and the delayed effects might catch you off guard.

Why Choose Weed Cookies and Brownies?

Weed cookies and brownies can lessen the intimidation factor when you try marijuana for the first time. When you consume weed edibles, it’s like eating any other kind of food. It may taste a bit different than you’re expecting, but if you’ve never had cannabis before, enjoying a sweet snack might be more appealing than inhaling a lungful of smoke.

Perhaps you want to try marijuana for the first time, but you don’t want to invest in the other equipment you might need when smoking, such as a grinder or pipe. With edibles, there’s no need for extra gear. All you need is the edible itself and some more snacks for later.

Things To Know Before Consuming Weed Cookies and Brownies

Before you dive into your first edible, though, there are a few things that you might want to know. For instance, dosage works a bit differently with edibles than it does with herb or concentrates. With buds, you might see a potency rating indicated by a percentage of THC, but it’s a bit different with edibles. Instead of a percentage, milligrams of cannabinol is the preferred measurement of potency.

Sativa vs. Indica

While veterans are almost certainly familiar with the terms, first-timers may not know the differences between cannabis Indica and cannabis Sativa. While the scientific differences are well beyond the scope here, you will want to know the main differences in how each strain makes you feel. 

With Sativa strains, you are more likely to feel energetic and creative. Sativa strains induce euphoria and heady psychoactive effects. Many people might know the mnemonic device, “Indica: In the couch.” As the saying goes, cannabis Indica strains tend to have more bodily effects. You will feel relaxed, sedated, and calm. Don’t be surprised if it also induces a heavy and peaceful sleep.

Choose Cheeba’s for High Quality 

If you’ve got the munchies for weed cookies and brownies, contact Cheeba’s. We’ve got superior edibles, flowers, and more we can deliver right to your door. We also offer vape products, topical, hash, and prerolls. We offer the fastest delivery around because we know the sooner we roll up, the sooner you can roll up. So, when you chief, chief Cheeba’s. 


Bake and get baked with these peanut butter pot cookies for vegans. A fabulous 4-step recipe any vegan stoner can make. Peanut butter is an amazing way to pack in healthy fats and long lasting calories. In cookie form, peanut butter is one of the best treats for any one, vegan or not. 


Fun fact, there are six cities in the U.S. named Peanut: Peanut, California; Lower Peanut, Pennsylvania; Upper Peanut, Pennsylvania; Peanut, Pennsylvania, Peanut, Tennessee; and Peanut West Virginia. That doesn’t matter, but it’s a cool fact to know to top other wannabe peanut lovers. 

Stay groovy!


Make these without the weed infusion for some great vegan peanut butter cookies!


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In this video I show you how to make cannabis oil and use it to make cookies. Instead of straining by hand I use a vacuum pump I made in a previous video to … CBD Essence

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In this video I show you how to make cannabis oil and use it to make cookies. Instead of straining by hand I use a vacuum pump I made in a previous video to ...","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"admin","url":"https://hempirevillage.com/author/admin/","sameAs":["https://hempirevillage.com"]},"articleSection":["Cannabis Oil"],"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WMEjOh-czws/maxresdefault.jpg","width":1920,"height":0},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","url":"https://hempirevillage.com","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""},"sameAs":["#","#","#","#"]}}]]>


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Each pack contains 10 capsules

Each capsule contains 500mg

  • Amazonian (250mg)
  • Bee Pollen (125mg)
  • Red Ginseng (125mg)

Indications: Take 1 (500mg) capsule. Use caution when re-dosing. Full affect can take 30 to 90 minutes. Increase your dosage by no more than 500mg per day to find the ideal dose for your condition without risking over medicating.

Ingredients: Psilocybin, Bee Pollen, Red Ginseng


With the cannabis industry booming, there is an increase in the variety of cannabis-related products available. Whether individuals prefer to smoke cannabis or take it in another form, options abound. As the cannabis industry has expanded, there has been an increased demand for edibles, topical creams, and other products.

State laws and attitudes regarding cannabis have continued to shift, allowing CBD products to be sold online and in retail markets.

Individuals looking to purchase CBD for consumption may wonder what product is best. In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of CBD edibles vs. CBD oil will be discussed and analyzed.

What Is CBD?

In analyzing the differences between products, it is crucial to understand what CBD is. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance found in cannabis plants.

Another main compound found in cannabis is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC and CBD share many similarities in structure, but a small difference in molecular arrangement makes CBD non-intoxicating. THC, however, directly impacts cognition and perception and can cause heightened anxiety and paranoia.

How CBD Works in the Body

CBD works via an indirect route and does not drastically activate or initiate changes in the brain. Studies do show, however, that CBD may cause the delayed reuptake of chemicals such as anandamide.

Anandamide is an endocannabinoid (a cannabinoid made by the body) that affects a series of crucial physiological processes. It impacts digestion and hunger, glucose levels in the blood, and ensures delivery of specific signals to the brain.

CBD typically causes minimal side effects. However, some users have reported dry mouth, fatigue, or other symptoms. Individuals that choose to consume CBD should inform their physicians and maintain any doctor-approved treatment plans and regimens.

Hemp-derived CBD is available for purchase across many states in the U.S. The Farm Bill of 2018  took hemp-derived CBD from the list of federally scheduled and regulated substances. Individuals can consume hemp-derived CBD in most states that contain no more than 0.3% THC in various forms, including capsules, oils, and edibles.


CBD edibles are food items that contain CBD. They are often consumed much like other comestibles and can come in various forms, including gummies, CBD-infused beverage enhancers, and chocolate bars. Due to their minimal THC content, CBD edibles do not commonly cause a change in cognition.

Cannabis EdiblesCannabis Edibles

Instead, most individuals experience little to no side effects. However, some have reported drowsiness, nausea, and diarrhea.

CBD edibles differ significantly from edibles made with THC. Foodstuffs made with THC often come with some perceptible effects like a feeling of fatigue or malaise, paranoia, drowsiness, physical or mental impairment, or red eyes.

The Advantages of CBD Edibles

Some users of CBD may prefer edibles for several reasons. First, it can be a convenient way to ingest CBD. Consumers can store gummies and candies for later consumption and travel. Edibles may also help individuals avoid the dangers that smoking presents.

Smoking can cause damage to the lungs. According to a major federal study on marijuana, smoking cannabis-related products presents a very small risk to the lungs. However, smoking cannabis has been associated with chronic cough and phlegm production.

Another advantage that CBD edibles have over CBD oil is a more pleasant taste. CBD oil’s flavor has been described as earthy, grassy, and nutty, and its bitter aftertaste can be off-putting for some. However, some find a way around CBD’s unpleasant taste by adding it to their meals and drinks, which can help mask the flavor.

On the other hand, CBD edibles, such as CBD gummies, come in a variety of different flavors. The addition of sweeteners used in gummies can make meeting one’s CBD needs a little easier on the palate.


CBD oil offers many of the same potential benefits that CBD edibles do. CBD oil is also non-intoxicating and generally easy to use when traveling. The difference between the two lies in the mode of transmission.

CBD edibles can be consumed directly or added to beverages, depending on the type of product. CBD oils are CBD extractions placed in a carrier oil that are used sublingually in a tincture.

Both options allow for a convenient way to consume CBD on the go. However, taking CBD oil sublingually from a tincture is not as discreet a consumption method as eating a CBD gummy or other CBD-infused edible when in public.


One advantage that CBD oil has over CBD edibles is that it has a greater bioavailability when consumed sublingually. Bioavailability is defined as the degree and rate that a drug or other substance (in this case, cannabidiol), is absorbed. CBD’s bioavailability is determined by the method of consumption.

Studies show that CBD, when consumed intranasally, has the highest bioavailability rate at 34-46%. When consumed sublingually, CBD is said to have a bioavailability rate of between 13-19%. On the other hand, oral consumption of CBD has a lower bioavailability rate, which one study showed can be as low as 6%.

Another advantage that CBD oil has over CBD edibles is the length of time it takes for the cannabidiol to take effect. When consumed sublingually, it can take between five to twenty minutes for the effects of the CBD to be felt. Whereas, when consumed orally, it can take between 30-120 minutes.

Final Thoughts on CBD Edibles vs. CBD Oil: Which Is Best?

CBD oils and edibles present advantages and disadvantages over other methods of consumption. When deciding which can be better, consumers must think of a variety of factors. These factors should include accessibility, ease of use, and possible side effects. Consumers should also consider the shelf life of the item and their preferences when it comes to taste, and the amount of CBD used per serving.

Personal preferences and life situations factor heavily in deciding if CBD oils or edibles are best.

While some may prefer edibles over oils, many may feel that oils fit better with their lifestyle. Any individual taking a prescribed medication that is considering consuming CBD should first consult with their doctor beforehand to ensure that it is safe to do so.

Article Sources:



“Indica, sativa, or chocolate fudge, sir?” “Yes.”“Indica, sativa, or chocolate fudge, sir?” “Yes.”

In Search of…High Quality Edibles

Let’s be real; edibles are a mixed bag sometimes. On one hand, there are those mystery brownies that your boy brings to the party. Problem with mystery edibles is that you have no clue what the dosage is. You might get full supernova annihilation high, and realize everyone left and you’ve been talking to the houseplants for two hours. Or maybe nothing happens at all, and you just end up rolling one in frustration. But even when luck and chance do come together, and your brownie somehow has the right dosage, there’s another problem.

Looks good enough to eat. Well, not yet…Looks good enough to eat. Well, not yet…

Weed Brownies should be Delicious

And this problem, plain and simple, is taste. Brownies are supposed to be delicious. Weed is supposed to get you high. Nothing too radical there. But why do so many weed brownies taste so NOT delicous? A brownie should be rich and chocolately, and buttery enough to melt a little while you eat it. Nothing is worse than chewing a withered, dried-out pot brownie that feels like biting into your dad’s old-ass workboots. 

Enter the Chef

‘But I’m no chef, bruh,’ I hear you say. You don’t need to be, son. Your friends at Loud News Net did the work for you. We tracked down author, pastry chef, and edibles entrepreneur Stacy Stapleton to demonstrate a stupid easy pot brownie recipe that anyone (even us) can make. It’s quick, totally uncomplicated, and the results are unbelievably delicious and will get you exactly as high as you wanna be.

Stacy Stapleton, ACF-accredited master chef of THC edibles level 999 (bow down!) in her Colorado home, June 2020.Stacy Stapleton, ACF-accredited master chef of THC edibles level 999 (bow down!) in her Colorado home, June 2020

Incredible and Edible, too

Loud News caught up with author, chef, and entrepreneur Stacy Stapleton in her Colorado home. Stapletons passion and knowledge about the art of making a good dessert is very real, having worked for 15 years as a professional pastry chef. She works for a major Colorado cannabis company, and her side hustle, Incredible 420 Edibles, brings these strands together. Cannabis dispensaries are reporting huge profits since the lockdown began. People are at home and making the best of it. Incredible 420 Edibles is cresting the wave of this trend too, reporting a 187% increase in sales in recent weeks. 

“The Most Delicious Brownie You Can Put in Your Face”

Stapleton explains the mouth-watering simplicity of the issue at hand. “This is the most delicious brownie you can put in your face. BUT it’s better because it has weed in it, and it’ll get you high.” Now, you might be thinking “I’ve never cooked anything but Kraft macaroni before, dude. Yo, there’s no way I can make weed brownies,” but that’s where you’re wrong. Let me be real with you; if you’ve got a kitchen, you can do this.

“This is my favorite brownie recipe, hands down,” Stapleton explains. “They have a soft texture and a deep cocoa flavor that scratches an itch you didn’t even know you had.  It’s also deadly ‘cause you can’t taste the cannabis. Label accordingly!” And Stapleton should know. Besides being accredited by the American Culinary Federation, she is an author as well. Her gourmet edibles cookbook, with recipes for medicinal and recreational purposes, and also vegan and gluten-free options, sports an enviable 4.7 stars on Amazon.

This is the most delicious brownie you can put in your face.

“Full of Jet Fuel, Paris Shatter”

If you’re old, or you’ve been living under a rock, you might have wondered what B-Real and Berner were talking about on “Shatter” back in 2014. Let’s break it down for you. Shatter is a concentrated high-THC wax. If you’re in a legal weed state or country, you can go to the dispensary and ask for shatter, or any number of other concentrates of various textures and potencies. Once you have that magical wax, this recipe goes from easy to STUPID EASY. But, you don’t need to live in “Denver, Colorado,” or “Santa Ana, Orange County” to do this. Even if you live in a less enlightened state, you can still make these easy THC brownies in your sleep.

“You ain’t as high as me, you ain’t as high as B”

Shatter + Butter = The Dairy of Your Dreams

To get started, you’re gonna need 1 gram of shatter or high THC wax (75% or higher). If you can’t get shatter, we got you. You’re gonna make your own weed butter. Here’s how: Put tinfoil down on a baking sheet. Crumble about 7 grams of weed (no seeds or stems) over the baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 240 degrees. When the oven is hot, place the pan inside and cook for 20-30 min, or until the nugs are crispy (not sticky) to the touch. Now, put your lightly roasted weed into a saucepan or slow cooker with 1 pound of unsalted butter. Cook on very low heat for one to three hours. Strain the butter while it’s still warm. If you don’t have a strainer, go to Target or Ikea, son. They cost like 5 bucks. In a pinch you can strain through a clean t-shirt. The point is to get all the bits of plant matter out. THC bonds chemically with fat molecules (that’s why it stays in your system so long, fat ass), so now the cannabinoids are in the butter! You can toss the roasted buds; they have served their purpose.

Who dab is that? who dab is that?.who dab is that? who dab is that?

“Master Chef, Lord of the Kitchen Cupboard”

Ok, so Jay-Z was talking about cooking something a bit more legally questionable than pot brownies. But the message is the same. This is your kitchen, young Skywalker; own it. First thing to do is dust off your scale. You do have a scale, don’t you? What kind of smoker doesn’t have a scale? Anyway, you can get a little digital scale at just about any store than sells kitchen goods. This will take about an hour. Here’s what else you’re gonna need.

Stacy: “Eat my gourmet weed brownies, man”. Stacy: “Eat my gourmet weed brownies, man”

The World’s Best THC Brownies

Yield:  one 8” X 8” pan, 9 brownies

Dosage:  Approximately 31mg THC per brownie

Time:  1 hour


  • scale
  • one large mixing bowl
  • three smaller bowls
  • medium saucepan
  • whisk
  • spatula
  • measuring spoons
  • measuring cups
  • one 8” x 8” pan
  • pan spray

Kitchen equipment.


  • 6 oz (1 ½ cups) Cannabis Butter
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup full-fat sour cream
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Cocoa butter kisses, just like Chance said.Cocoa butter kisses, just like Chance said

Oven:  Preheat oven to 350°F. You want that shit to be hot when you put the pan in!

Let’s Get Started

In a saucepan, place one pound unsalted butter (4 sticks), unwrapped.  Melt over very low heat.  When melted, drop in 1g shatter and whisk until shatter is completely melted and incorporated into the butter.  Use your scale and measure out 6 oz butter while still melted into a small bowl.  Reserve the remaining 10oz cannabis butter in a glass container for another use (hello morning toast).

Whisk cocoa powder into the 6oz of cannabis butter and set aside.

Line baking pan with aluminum foil, leaving enough over the sides to form a sling so you can easily remove the brownies once baked.  Pan spray the inside of the pan.

Crack eggs into a small container and put to one side.

Crack eggs into a small container and put to one side.

Why You Gotta Be Salty?

Combine flour and salt in small bowl and put to one side.

In a large bowl, place sugar and eggs.  Whisk vigorously until eggs lighten in color.  Stir in cooled butter/cocoa mixture and vanilla extract.  Whisk in sour cream until combined.  Using spatula, fold in flour and salt until combined – no dry bits!

Pour into prepared pan and bake @ 350°F for 35-40 minutes, turning pan 180° halfway through baking, or until toothpick inserted in middle of brownie comes out mostly clean.

Oh this is f___in’ cute to you? I’m just here to amuse you, huh? Back off and let me cook these weed brownies, sucka”.“Oh this is f___in’ cute to you? I’m just here to amuse you, huh? Back off and let me cook these weed brownies, sucka”

Cool Down, Son

Let cool completely and then portion.  Don’t leave this as one giant brownie Pangea – it is super easy to overdose on this one! If you eat the whole pan, we do not take responsibility for you spending the next week on your sofa, fool.

Note! Be sure to label your treats accordingly and keep out of reach of children under 21. Be an adult, B. 

Double Up!

This recipe doubles easily and will make a 9” x 13” pan, 12 brownies at 47mg THC each.

Note:  This recipe was formulated using 1g shatter at 75% THC.  Your dosage will differ if you use cannabis bud-infused butter vs. shatter and if you increase the portion sizes.

This recipe doubles easily and will make a 9” x 13” pan, 12 brownies at 47mg THC each.

Time to Eat!

See, you did that. Now enjoy your space brownies AND your sense of accomplishment. You can even share with someone, unless you’re the kind of guy who eats a whole pan of weed brownies alone. And if you are, then hey, who are we to judge? Just don’t come over here and try to sleep on our couch.


Buying CBD edibles online from Green Wellness Life is easy and secure. Green Wellness Life knows that you want delicious, natural, healthy, and organic edible options. We never compromise quality or effectiveness with our products. You can purchase our hemp-derived CBD edibles right from our website below to ship directly to your house.

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What Are CBD Edibles?

CBD edibles are snacks or food and beverage products that are infused with CBD oil. Green Wellness Life carries a wide variety of CBD edible products. We carry CBD gummies, CBD honey sticks, CBD mints, CBD gum, and CBD coffee. CBD edibles can provide a range of different benefits. Benefits could include sleep improvement, anxiety reduction, pain and inflammation reduction, mood improvement, and more. 

Will I Fail A Drug Test Taking CBD Edibles?

Drug tests are designed to look for THC. Broad spectrum and isolate CBD edible products do not contain THC, so failing a drug test is not a concern for those products. Full spectrum CBD products do contain THC, but are required to contain .3% or less by law. This amount of THC is unlikely to cause you to fail a drug test, but it could happen. If failing a drug test is a concern, we’d recommend choosing a broad spectrum or isolate CBD edible product. 

Do CBD Edibles Work Without THC?

CBD does have many benefits when combined with THC, but CBD also has many benefits on its own. Isolate CBD products (products that only contain CBD without any other cannabinoids) are great for mood improvement, anxiety reduction, and sleep improvement. Broad spectrum products also do not contain THC, but contain other cannabinoids. The CBD can interact with the other cannabinoids to create an entourage effect, which can provide additional benefits for your body. You do not need THC to experience the benefits of CBD. 

How Much Of A CBD Edible Should I Be Consuming?

We recommend that those new to CBD start with the smallest possible serving size and work up from there. This is because every body reacts differently to CBD and it’s important to learn how your body will react to the cannabinoid. Serving size will vary depending on the type of edible. For CBD gummies, we’d recommend starting with one gummy a day. For CBD honey sticks, we’d recommend starting with one honey stick. Mints and gum should also start out with one piece a day. You can increase your intake each day until you feel the desired effects CBD provides. 

Do I Need To Take CBD Edibles Every Day?

Taking a CBD product regularly improves the effectiveness of CBD oil, because it stimulates the endocannabinoid system to produce a greater response to CBD. Therefore, we do recommend that you take CBD every day as part of your daily routine. If you choose a CBD edible to be your primary source of CBD, then you should take your CBD edible every day.


Updated on December 7, 2020.  Medical content reviewed by Dr. Joseph Rosado, MD, M.B.A, Chief Medical Officer

marijuana edibles

Medical Marijuana Edibles

With the legal allowances and medical purposes of marijuana constantly expanding and diversifying, more and more options are becoming available to patients suffering from chronic pain and conditions, and many are choosing to medicate with cannabis by using different methods than traditional smoking. From pipes, joints and vaporizers to cannabis patches, marijuana tinctures, beverages, topicals and ingestible products, there are so many ways to reap the physical and mental benefits of marijuana.

One common method of using or taking medical marijuana is ingestion, a practice that is growing steadily in popularity as the options become more diverse and delicious. While raw marijuana leaves and buds are rich in THC-A, the acidic form of the THC cannabinoid in weed, eating cannabis raw will not necessarily deliver the full therapeutic benefits of more concentrated compounds — plus, it tends to have a leafy, planty taste that can be somewhat strong and unpleasant. Instead, the active components must first get extracted into fats, oils or alcohol before ingesting. Medical marijuana commonly gets extracted into cannabutter or cannabis-infused oil, which you can use to make edible medical marijuana products such as pot cookies and pot brownies, as well as savory dishes.

Nowadays, you don’t have to eat the traditional, pretty bitter pot brownies of old — medical marijuana patients can choose from a variety of tasty cannabis-infused snacks that barely boast a weed flavor. If you’re looking for tasty ways to prepare your edible treats for medical purposes, check out our blog, where we regularly post recipes for medical marijuana edibles. For now, here’s everything you need to know about cannabis edibles, how they work and ways of eating medical marijuana.

What Are Medical Marijuana Edibles?

As an agreeable alternative to the various ways of smoking marijuana, medical marijuana edibles are snacks, foods, ingredients and other infused marijuana products users can ingest to provide the beneficial effects of cannabis. While the term “edible” can refer to either a cannabis-infused solid food or drink, drinks containing cannabis are typically called drinkables or liquid edibles. Any edible contains THC — the active marijuana component — as a key ingredient, and different edibles come in different strains and dosages, just like other weed sources. However, you can expect most edibles to contain a relatively high dosage of THC — and some edibles even have other cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD) to produce better medicinal results.

what are edibles

When it comes to kinds of edible marijuana products to choose from, cannabis edibles come in a wide variety of forms — from favorites like brownies, popcorn, crackers, candy and gummies to less conventional choices like pills, spreads, condiments, savory dinner dishes, smoothies, cakes and other options. The most commonly consumed kinds of edibles are as follows.

  • Baked goods: As the most classically popular kind of cannabis edible, marijuana-infused baked goods include brownies, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, macaroons and other items. While baked good edibles can sometimes be slightly greenish and give off a faint weed smell, they usually taste mostly identical to regular baked goods. You can buy pre-made baked medical marijuana edibles in states where medicinal cannabis is legal, or find various recipes for making your medicinal edibles online.
  • Beverages: Infused with cannabinoids like solid edibles, marijuana drinkables are drinks with their own dosage of weed. Typically, liquid edibles include options like traditional Indian cannabis-infused tea, fruit and weed smoothies and THC coffee. Drinkables are much less popular than their edible counterparts, with a sales ratio currently making up only 6 percent of the medical marijuana market in legalized states, as opposed to the still-small 4 percent prevalence they began with when introduced in 2014.
  • Capsules: A less tasty edible option, cannabis capsules are pills infused with THC or CBD. These are not technically regulated pharmaceuticals, but are legal in specific states, and provide the same effects as food and drink edibles.
  • Ingredients: In addition to premade foods, baked goods, candies, drinks and snacks, marijuana edibles can come in the form of edible ingredients for you to incorporate into your recipes. These can come in the form of tinctures — which are alcoholic extracts of marijuana — cannabis-infused cooking oils and cannabutter, a fatty, butter-like, cannabis-infused substance used for cooking and baking.

Again, these are the most common types of cannabis edibles, but other options can include candies, gummies, gums, spreads, snacks and so much more. While the medical marijuana market offers a plethora of edible products today, we can break the types of infused marijuana edibles into these three basic categories based on the way they introduce the cannabis into your system.

  • Gastrointestinal uptake: As solid foods taken by mouth, chewed, swallowed and ingested, gastrointestinal uptake edibles get digested through the stomach and begin to take effect when your body breaks down the cannabinoid components of the edibles and releases them during digestion — which is why it typically takes longer for you to feel edibles’ effects after taking them. While they take a more extensive amount of time to kick in after getting ingested, however, gastrointestinal uptake edibles provide significantly longer periods of relief than smoking marijuana. This type of edible is the most common kind and includes brownies, ice cream, cookies, popcorn and more.
  • Oral uptake: Absorbed through the saliva, oral uptake edibles include substances like tinctures or drops, gum, lollipops, lozenges and other hard-candy-type treats. This type of edible gets absorbed into your system when the cannabis in the substance dissolves in your mouth. Unlike gastrointestinal uptake edibles, oral uptake edibles go into effect almost immediately after you take them, but their effects also fade a lot more quickly.
  • Hybrid uptake: As a combination between gastrointestinal and oral uptake edibles, hybrid edibles include options like chocolate and beverages. These go into effect quickly and provide relief for a few hours at a time.

How Medical Marijuana Edibles Work

When users smoke marijuana, they inhale the cannabis through their lungs, after which it works its way through the bloodstream and travels to the brain and the rest of the body to provide relief. In contrast, medical marijuana edibles get directly ingested, digested and metabolized to offer a different level and different type of effect and relief. When you take cannabis orally, it travels through your digestive system and gets broken down in the stomach, after which your intestines absorb the THC and release it into your bloodstream.

Because each person will metabolize the cannabis differently, and both the digestive system and the liver process the cannabinoids before they make their way into the bloodstream, edibles can have different effects on different people. Typically, however, they take much longer to go into effect than smoking marijuana does — about half an hour to up to two hours— but the relief they provide is more potent and longer-lasting. When you eat cannabis as opposed to inhaling it, it converts into a different type of substance within your liver that provides effects twice as strong and long-lasting.

edible benefits

An edible marijuana high, produced by your digestive system and liver metabolizing different parts of the THC, provides much stronger psychedelic and relief effects than the relief a patient might experience from a joint or pipe, and the effects can even last up to 12 hours or longer. For this reason, it’s important to regulate your edible dosage carefully or as directed by a doctor, beginning with a small portion of about two to five milligrams and waiting for an hour before taking any more.

Benefits of Medical Marijuana Edibles

Providing pain relief and relaxation, cannabis edibles are a helpful, discomfort-free choice for medical patients suffering from a variety of conditions. Some of the benefits of marijuana edibles include:

What Do Medical Marijuana Edibles Treat?

Medical marijuana edibles are beneficial for treating and easing pain across a variety of chronic mental and physical conditions. The edible method is especially popular with children and elderly patients because it doesn’t require any inhalation, provides no potential damage to the lungs, is easier to take if they suffer from breathing difficulties or lung conditions and provides a different type of medically induced “high” that many patients find more agreeable than that acquired through smoking. Rather than directly hitting the brain with their effects, cannabis edibles provide a more balanced “body” high to target various areas and trigger a sedative, especially relaxing effect to alleviate pain and reduce different types of suffering.

edibles ease pain

Medical marijuana physicians prescribe edibles to treat pain and provide relief for a variety of different conditions, including:

Side Effects of Medical Marijuana Edibles

Before you incorporate marijuana edibles into your medical treatment plan, you probably want to gauge the potential health risks of consuming cannabis-infused foods, snacks, drinks and substances. Eating medical marijuana edibles is safe, cannot cause long-term toxicity and does not expose you to harmful chemicals of any kind. However, it’s important to be aware there are currently no regulations in place regarding the dosage, health and safety conditions or compliance, sourcing and quality of cannabis edibles.

To avoid consuming too much cannabis at once or being exposed to any contaminants in marijuana edibles, make sure you purchase them from a trusted, lab-tested source. Also, pay special attention to the marijuana dosage in your edibles and take them in moderation.

Also, be aware eating marijuana edibles, like any other consumption or exposure to weed, can cause the following short-term effects that may or may not change or become less noticeable as you build tolerance.

  • Consuming too much cannabis at once can lead to increased anxiety and even paranoia, which will pass with time and become less likely as you build your tolerance — if persistent, however, reduce your edible dosage.
  • Dry mouth may occur when consuming cannabis edibles, so take care to hydrate adequately when you medicate with marijuana edibles.
  • Drowsiness tends to occur as a result of marijuana’s relaxing qualities, which can help patients rest and decompress — if you are consistently excessively lazy and sleepy, however, you may want to reduce your dosage, although this could also be a side effect of your medical condition.

How to Eat Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana edibles offer so many ways to benefit from the relaxing, pain-relieving qualities of cannabis while also enjoying a tasty treat or snack. If you’re looking for a more subtle, discreet way to medicate during the day without losing focus or taking too much, try simple solutions like cannabis-infused granola bars, candy, fruit snacks or beverages. If you’re relaxing at home, enjoying some baked good edibles might bring you more enjoyment. You can also incorporate edibles into your daily diet choices by using cannabis-infused ingredients like oils, tinctures and cannabutter in your cooking or adding cannabis leaves to your health smoothies. No matter your preferences, you can find the edible medical marijuana method that suits you and purchase reliable cannabis products here.

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Factors to Remember

If you choose edible cannabis to provide you with relief from your symptoms, here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Eating cannabis brings a different feeling than smoking pot. That’s because when you eat cannabis, your liver metabolism destroys some of the THC, creating a powerful THC metabolite.
  • Be careful not to overmedicate. With edible medical marijuana, there is a wide range of dosages available. Choose a cannabis medication only if you know how much THC it contains, and don’t take another dose until you feel the effects of the first one.
  • Start out small when ingesting cannabis, as it will take much longer for the effects to kick in than when inhaling pot. It can take as long as an hour or two to feel the effects when ingesting medical marijuana, and effects are much longer-lasting than with smoked cannabis.

start small

Find a Marijuana Doctor

Before you make, purchase or use marijuana edibles as a delivery method for medical marijuana, you must first ensure you comply with your state’s medical marijuana laws, obtain a recommendation from a qualified physician and obtain a marijuana card, where applicable. If you are looking for a qualified medical marijuana doctor, MarijuanaDoctors.com can help. Our database is home to hundreds of physicians in every medical marijuana state. Find a doctor today.

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