Edibles are food items made with cannabis flower or concentrates. Thanks to advances in the cannabis culinary arts and the emergence of distillate, you can find a wide selection of high-quality baked goods, brownie mixes, beverages, cooking oil, and treats such as CBD mints and THC gummies that provide the desired effects of cannabis. You…
There are so many inventive ways to enjoy cannabis, and edibles is one of our favourites. We run through some of the most common mistakes to avoid below, so you can make delicious, potent edibles every time. 1. COOKING WITH RAW CANNABIS The number one mistake newbies make? Trying to use raw cannabis. Heat is…
If you know about cannabis, you might know that it can be consumed by various methods, but some of the most common styles include smoking and vaping. However, in recent days, marijuana edibles have become more popular among regular users. Here in this article, we have described How to Make Weed Gummies at Home in…
In late August, the Florida Department of Health finalized regulations for companies to make and sell edible cannabis products, and since then a number of new edibles have hit the marketplace. "We were definitely excited," says Yesenia Garcia, the director of marketing for the southeast region for Curaleaf, which operates 33 medical marijuana dispensaries around…
Posted on October 10, 2019 in Desserts, Snacks Hi all! Today we’re going to be cooking up some classic jumbo chocolate chip cannabis cookies. This is one of our all time favorite recipes and these cookies are always a big hit among friends. This is a fairly simple, but tasty, recipe that every stoner needs to try at…
Weed edibles are a tricky business. If you’ve never eaten your way to a high before, you may be a little wary, even if you’ve smoked many a joint. Edibles, as the kids say, hit differently.You’ve likely heard the “I ate too much of a tasty, chocolatey edible and freaked the eff out” stories, whether…
Edible Dosage Calculator - Find Out How Potent Your Edibles Are In this first section, you can calculate the potency of your infused oil, alcohol, or fat product that can later be used directly in your recipe using the second section of this calculator. *Cannabinoids are lipophiles and they bind very easily with fats and…
5 Keto-Friendly Cannabis-Infused Recipes | High Times 0 ) { powerkitButtonsIds.push( $( this ).attr( 'data-id' ) ); } }); // Generate accounts data. var powerkitButtonsData = {}; if( powerkitButtonsIds.length > 0 ) { powerkitButtonsData = { 'ids' : powerkitButtonsIds.join(), 'post_id' : powerkitButtonsBox.attr( 'data-post-id' ), 'url' : powerkitButtonsBox.attr( 'data-share-url' ), }; } // Get results by…